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2024 Annual Pau Hana

The Hawai‘i State Bar Association and the Hawai‘i State Bar Foundation is happy to announce the Annual "Pau Hana" fundraiser. Join us for an early evening of reconnecting and networking. The funds raised will go towards community service projects to promote civic education and to encourage Hawai’i students and young adults to pursue legal careers.

Sponsorship Levels and Individual Guest Passes are now available!
Heavy pupus... hosted valet services... entertainment!
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July Presidents' Messages

In Memoriam
HSBA Executive Director Patricia Mau-Shimizu

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of our HSBA Executive Director Patricia Mau-Shimizu. Pat was a friend, a colleague, and one of us. Her work ethic, guidance, and smile will be sorely missed, but her legacy will endure. Our deepest condolences go to her daughter Melissa Shimizu, her parents Herbert Gahn Ki Mau and Leilani Yuen Mau, and her brother Marvin Mau.

 Donations may be made in Pat’s memory to the Hawaii State Bar Foundation. Visit the HSBF Donation Page and select the "Pat Mau-Shimizu Leadership Institute Fund."

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HSBA Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Hawaii State Bar Association considers diversity and inclusion critical elements of promoting equity and preventing discrimination.  Diversity should reflect individuals from different identities, which include race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ability, socioeconomic status, language, and age.  Equity means ensuring that resources and opportunities within a working environment are impartially and fairly available to all.  Inclusion means that all people feel seen, heard, valued, and welcomed within a working or learning environment regardless of their identities.

The HSBA promotes the ALOHA spirit and supports action for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (collectively “DEI”), and pledges to: (1) continue to make our workplaces trusting places to have conversations about diversity and inclusion; (2) implement and expand unconscious bias education; and (3) share best practices and programs around diversity and inclusion.

Resources for the Public