Hawaii State Bar Foundation President's Message
Kimi Ide-Foster
(May 2024)

Aloha, HSBA members:

It has been a busy month for the Bar Foundation, and we are going full tilt into the new term!

First and foremost, I want to express how excited I and the Board of the Bar Foundation are to be working with newly installed Bar Association Executive Director, Cathy Betts. Cathy did a remarkable job leading the Department of Human Services, particularly through the COVID-19 pandemic, and we look forward to the energy and passion we know she will bring to the role. Welcome aboard, Cathy!

The 50th Annual Law Day Golf Tournament was a sell-out success, largely due to the incredible work of Golf Committee Members Daniel Lam (Chair), Keoni Shultz, Diane Ono, Stephen Dyer, Marty Fritz, Harrison K. Goo, David A. Gruebner, Arynn Nagahiro, and two fearless William S. Richardson School of Law students, Erik Molina and Sophia Koo. And of course, our tireless HSBA staff, Desmond de Vera and Brian Simon – without their efforts, no event associated with the Bar would ever happen!

I also want to extend a personal thank you to all of the participants and donors who helped make the tournament so successful. It’s an incredible opportunity to see each other outside of the court and board rooms, and we appreciate you all making the time to join us.

As a reminder, the Foundation is accepting grant applications for projects that provide charitable and philanthropic support in furtherance of the Hawaii State Bar Association’s mission to unite and inspire Hawaii’s lawyers to promote justice, serve the public and improve the legal profession. Applications are accepted through the month of August with a targeted distribution of October.

We also have a number of projects in the works to foster community engagement and to continue the fundraising efforts of our previous term that we will be sharing more about in the coming months.

Please also mark your calendars for August 28, 2024 for this year’s HSBA/HSBF Pau Hana Event. As in the last two years, it will be held at the Pacific Club at 5:30 pm. And also as in the last two years, “no speeches and no suits!” We hope to see you all there.



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