
From section and committee meetings with valuable CLE credit, to receptions and dinners and special events, the Hawaii State Bar Association regularly holds meetings so that our members can meet their mandatory CLE requirements and network with fellow attorneys.

Featured Events

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char(60) + 'div' + ' class=' + char(34) + 'EventCard content-tagged-tall' + char(34) + ' data-aos=' + char(34) + 'fade-up' + char(34) + char(62) + char(60) + 'div' + ' class=' + char(34) + 'box' + char(34) + char(62) + char(60) + 'div' + ' class=' + char(34) + 'item-image-wrapper' + char(34) + char(62) + CASE WHEN [vBoCsEvent].[MeetingImageName] <> '' THEN char(60) + 'div class=' + char(34) + 'item-image-inner' + char(34) + char(62) + char(60) + 'img' + ' class=' + char(34) + 'content-image' + char(34) + 'src=' + char(34) + '/' + [vBoCsEvent].[MeetingImageName] + char(34) + char(62) + char(60) + '/div' + char(62) ELSE '' END + char(60) + '/div' + char(62) + char(60) + 'div' + ' class=' + char(34) + 'item-description' + char(34) + char(62) + char(60) + 'h3' + char(62) + [vBoCsEvent].[Title] + char(60) + '/h3' + char(62) + char(60) + 'h4' + char(62) + CASE WHEN [vBoCsEvent].[City] <> '' THEN + [vBoCsEvent].[City] + ', ' ELSE '' END + [vBoCsEvent].[Country] + char(60) + '/h4' + char(62) + ' ' + char(60) + 'p class=' + char(34) + 'date' + char(34) + char(62) + cast(datepart(dd,[vBoCsEvent].[BeginDate]) as varchar) + ' ' + datename(month,[vBoCsEvent].[BeginDate]) + ' ' + cast(datepart(yyyy,[vBoCsEvent].[BeginDate]) as varchar) + char(60) + '/p' + char(62) + char(60) + 'a class=' + char(34) + 'TextButton PrimaryButtonOutline' + char(34) + 'href=' + char(34) + '/EventDetail' + '?EventKey=' + [vBoCsEvent].[EventCode] + char(34) + char(62) + 'View Event' + char(60) + '/a' + char(62) + char(60) + '/div' + char(62) + char(60) + '/div' + char(62) + char(60) + '/div' + char(62)
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