Selection of Committee Members

Chairpersons Select Committee Members

Committee members are selected by the chairpersons of each committee in consultations with the President. In the event of resignation, death or disqualification of any member of the committee, the chair shall appoint a successor to serve for the unexpired term.

Broad Representation on Committees

In selecting committee members, reasonable care should be exercised to ensure a broad representation of members who are demographically diverse and balanced according to type of and years in practice, age, sex and race. To the maximum extent practical, each committee shall have members from more than one island. Committee members shall serve one (1) year terms.

Reappointment Terms

Absent a philosophical or personality difference, the committee chairs are encouraged to reappoint committee members who have made sound contributions in order to develop expertise and facilitate projects follow-through by committees. Absent exceptional circumstances, however, an individual may not serve as a committee member for more than three (3) terms (i.e. 3 years limit). In making appointments and reappointments, the committee chairs should strive to balance the competing interests served by continuity and infusion of "fresh blood."

Removal of Committee Member

If a committee member fails to demonstrate a sufficient interest in the work of the committee, fails to meet commitments, or fails to share in the work of the committee, the chair of that committee may remove and replace said committee member any time during his/her term.


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