A Message from Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald
1-Year After the Maui Wildfires

A year ago, the people of Maui suffered the most devastating disaster in our state’s history. Today, we take time to remember and honor those we tragically lost. On this day, I also want to share my deepest appreciation to everyone who has worked tirelessly to provide assistance and ensure access to justice for all the people affected by the Maui wildfires. While the island and its people will never be the same, I am inspired to see how our community has come together to support one another during these unimaginably challenging times. 

I am humbled by the kokua that our legal community showed in the moments after and the year since the wildfires. Early on, so many of you stepped up to help, from donating essential goods to staffing the HSBA Legal Hotline dedicated to Maui. I want to acknowledge the late Pat Mau-Shimizu and former HSBA President Rhonda Griswold, who were instrumental in coordinating these efforts in the initial days of uncertainty. This commitment has continued on with current HSBA President Jesse Souki and new Executive Director Cathy Betts, for which I am so grateful.

The members of the Maui County Bar Association, including past president Christina Lizzi, have been leaders on the frontlines, serving fire survivors at the disaster recovery center, community hubs, and other venues. And many other organizations, including Legal Aid Society of Hawaiʻi, Volunteer Legal Services Hawaiʻi, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, The Legal Clinic, and the Office of the Public Defender, have provided indispensable legal aid to the Maui community. Without these efforts, countless families, kūpuna, keiki, and others who were helped would have otherwise gone without legal assistance. 

Finally, I want to extend a special mahalo to our entire Second Circuit Team. Under the leadership of Chief Judge Peter Cahill and Chief Court Administrator Sandy Kozaki, our staff and judges diligently worked to ensure continuity of court services to the public. It is a testament to the commitment to their community and to the mission of the judiciary.

As I reflect back on the past year, my heart still aches for the lives that were lost; the people who suffered the loss of their homes; their livelihoods; and the communities that will never be the same. Yet, I have seen firsthand the remarkable fortitude and resilience of the people of Maui. While the recovery process will continue for years to come, I have hope that together as a community we can heal.



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