Legal Industry Survey

At the direction of the HSBA Board, and to better serve our members, a survey was conducted in late October-early November to measure the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on Hawaii’s legal industry, and the administrative adjustments made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 1425 surveys were sent to 5 groups: 10+ attorney law firms; 6-9 attorney law firms; 2-5 attorney law firms; solo practitioners; and government offices and legal service providers. One hundred fourteen confidential responses were received, with solo practitioners being the largest group responding.

Survey inquiries included: fluctuations in revenue; financial assistance; fluctuations in staffing including terminations and furloughs (attorneys and support staff); other expense reductions; staffing pattern adjustments (remote accommodations, rotating staff shifts); critical challenges; technological tools relied upon for provision of services; recruitment of newly licensed or provisional attorneys; and length of time to return to pre-pandemic financials. These results are shared with members to assist in future planning efforts.

P. Gregory Frey
2020 HSBA President

Levi Hookano
2021 HSBA President



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